Inauguration of the 4th recycling and responsible art Festival Sitges Reciclart 2019

Inauguration of the 4th recycling and responsible art Festival Sitges Reciclart 2019.

We are pleased to invite you to the inauguration of the 4th edition of the recycling and responsible art Festival Sitges ReciclArt. It will take place on June 6th at 6:30pm, at the Miramar Cultural Center in Sitges.

Here we are again, how could it be otherwise, thanks to your collaboration and commitment, the Festival ReciclArt reaches its 4th edition with the same objective:

Raise awareness about the consequences our habits have in the environment through interactive activities that expose the reality of what is happening in the oceans and coasts. This way, we become aware that by having responsible consumption habits, pollution will decrease as a result to our actions.

Let´s not forget that we live in a planet with limited natural resources and its health depends on our daily actions.

The recycling and responsible art Festival Sitges ReciclArt will celebrate its 4th edition from June 6th until June 30th. The activities will start on June 6th with the inauguration of the recycling and responsible art exhibition that will take place at the Miramar Cultural Center and will end on June 30th. The exhibition presents works by artists that aim to raise awareness of the worldwide waste issue and the incidence of our consumption habits on the environment.

We will be waiting for you next Wednesday, June 6th at 6:30pm at the Miramar Cultural Center.